Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm not very good at blogging, am I?

I'm glad Tracy posted this on Bboard, I was wondering about my status in the course - am I ahead, behind, somewhere in the middle? Thanks to this list, I believe I'm somewhere in the middle; I have some catching up to do, but nothing serious! I've posted the list for my own benefit, so I can come back and check to see what I have and have not done.

* Submitted a presentation evaluation rubric which describes how group/individual presentations will be (were) evaluated?
* Submitted narrative evaluations for your own presentation and the presentations done by others in the class? (group or individual)
* Completed and submitted the scavenger hunt?
* Submitted a learning journal and scheduled a time to meet with Aruna to discuss your journal?
* Completed the mini LOI found in the Group Work folder?
* Contributed to the class blog as both an author and a responder?
* Submitted your group work (research) process document?
* Completed the Elluminate Live survey found in Blackboard?
* Participated in the progressive portfolio discussion thread in Blackboard?
* Visited the LOI area in Blackboard to see what new ideas are found there?
* Noticed the new material added to the Art, Film and Music area and the Online Resources - websites and article area in Blackboard?
* Retrieved the documents you want from Round Four of the Rotating Reading Room?

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